Fish, Rice, and Little Gold Men
There are many things I could talk about this morning.
Like how Anne Hathaway’s first dress at the Oscars is one of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. Ever.

Or how while Scarlett Johansson’s dress was pretty, she looked like she hadn’t washed her hair in 6 days.
Although my male friends will attest to the fact that it’s Scarlett Johansson. It doesn’t even matter if she has hair. Because, you know – she has boobs. To which I replied, Yes, but her Oscar dress didn’t even show off her boobs! I mean, whenever I go 6 days without washing my hair, I have to practically show nip to make up for it.
That shut them up. (Thanks Jeff and Mark.)
Or how I admittedly have a girl crush on Mila Kunis.

Mila, will you be my friend?
Or how James Franco looked like he did one too many bong hits between bits.

But the thing is, I’m not a fashionista. I don’t really know what’s hot or not.
I’m the girl who owned about 6 shirts and 2 pairs of pants that I rotated wearing to work, hoping no one would notice but not really caring if they did.
Because while I enjoy looking nice, there are other things I’d rather spend my money on.
Like travel.
And sushi.
Speaking of sushi, my post from last week generated a couple of comments and questions, and I wanted to come clean about the source of my sushi knowledge. It’s only fair.
In my humble little opinion, a website called Sushi Day is the primary source for anyone who wants to try making sushi at home. The site’s owner, Allison, says that while she’s not a professional sushi chef, she “loves making sushi in her free time.” Umm, yeah. I’d say.
The girl is amazing. Her photography is stunning. And her sushi concoctions are out of this world.

South Wedge Roll from Beautiful photo by Allison Day.
She covers everything – From how to make the sushi rice (it’s not just plain rice, people!), to how to make delicious eel sauce to drizzle over the top of your rolls (it’s simpler than you’d think!), to tons of inspiring recipes, like the South Wedge Roll and the Bling Bling Roll.
She even shows step-by-step photos on how to roll and cut your sushi. In fact, the only thing she hasn’t been able to help me with is figuring out how to get the roll tight enough and my knife sharp enough to cut the rolls without the pieces falling apart.
But like anything else, that’s just gonna take practice.
What? We might have to make and eat sushi every week for the next month until I get this right or we use up all of my expensive sushi-grade tuna?
Damn. It’s a rough life.
*I did not follow proper blog etiquette and ask Allison permission to use her photo prior to posting this, since I didn’t know until this morning that this is what I wanted to write about. So Allison, when you see all the links to your site from my site and come over here to check it out, just let me know if you want me to take down the photo. I’d be sad, but I’d do it. Thanks!
Hmmm that sushi looks delicious! I am obsessed with sushi. Actually, I’m on a weird Asian food kick right now – it’s all I want!!
“I mean, whenever I go 6 days without washing my hair, I have to practically show nip to make up for it.”
Literally LOLed at this. Hell, I have to show some nip if I go more than a day without washing my hair – it gets so gross so fast. I have a huge girl crush on Scarlett, but she just didn’t look good last night!
You know, I go through weird bouts of craving Asian food too! I love it.
And for the record, I’ve never actually gone 6 days without washing it. :) But I can get away with every other day. Glad I made you laugh!
Use really cold water to wipe your knife off with between slices. It works, I swear!
My grandma taught me to add some vinegar to a little bowl of water to keep the rice from sticking to my hands. I also use this on the knife when cutting to keep it from getting all sticky and messing up the cuts. :D
I was using a bowl of water for my fingers, but next time maybe I’ll try the rice vinegar! And good tips on the knife… Maybe a dry knife was our problem.
Thanks, Katie! I will try that. (P.S. Congrats on your adorable little daughter!)
To roll your sushi tightly, squeeze the roll with the bamboo mat when you *first* start rolling – once you’ve folded the nori/sumeshi over the ingredients – and then again at the end. The first squeeze will ensure that you have a tight roll that is snug around the ingredients (a loose roll will definitely fall apart) and the second one keeps the maki from unrolling. (Kind of like rolling up a yoga mat, if you’ve ever done that – you need to roll it tightly from the start, or else it will be loose and unroll easily.)
Sharp knives are very important! Katie’s suggestion is great – I always wipe the knife clean between rolls (stuck-on rice doesn’t make for a very clean slice) and moisten it with water just before cutting (you want the knife damp, not dripping wet). And I always have a small bowl of water mixed with a bit of rice vinegar sitting nearby when I roll sushi, to keep the rice from sticking to my hands like Maria suggested.
Oh, and to answer your last question… I’m usually perfectly fine with people using my photos, as long as they give proper credit. Which you did. :) Besides, how could I say no after you said so many nice things about me? ;)
Thank you Allison for all of the tips! I definitely need to practice the rolling technique – I don’t think I was doing a good enough job of making things nice and tight at the start. And THANK YOU for all of the hard work you’ve put into your site. I refer to it often, and I love it! :)
And thanks for not making me take down the picture. ;)