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Now that Your Rose is in Bloom

Shortly before we left for Hawaii, I had a pleasant surprise when I loaded myself up with trellises and a tomato cage to put in our garden and walked out our back garage door.

When we first bought the house, the previous owners informed me (via email) that they had a precious rose bush they had planted in the back/side yard when they first moved there – among many other sentiments – all of which I found hard to believe because the house was in such a shambles.

But either way, this climbing rose bush had once been loved.  But ever since we moved in (and probably throughout the duration of the time the previous owners rented the house out), the rose bush experienced little love at all.

I’ve seen it spawn maybe a single bloom during the past 3 years.

That day, however, I had a surprise.

Blooming Roses

And it didn’t stop there.

Blooming Roses

Or even there.

Blooming Roses

I’m going to attribute this to my crazy, weed-pulling frenzy with which I sidetracked myself when hauling dirt from the front bed while the hubs was transforming it.  This happens quite frequently.  Me getting sidetracked, that is.  It’s my Life ADD.

Now I suppose I have to fix the trellis the bloomless vines pulled down a over the past couple years.

The best part about this little discovery is, maybe my thumbs aren’t so black, after all!


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