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Arlington, VA: A Gateway To (And Getaway From) D.C.

Spring is the best time of year because it holds the promise of a long, luxurious summer and it’s still possible for me to walk outside without immediately forming a sweat ‘stache. The days start getting longer, the birds start chirping sweetly, and suddenly that motivation I’d been missing all winter because I was busy being SAD attacks with renewed zest. Read the rest of this gem…

Company’s Coming: How To Distract House Guests With Food.

Recently we had house guests and I’m still recovering.

You know how it is — visitors can be exhausting. Especially when one of said visitors is likely judging every life choice you’ve made since you vacated her premises. But hey. That’s what parents do. How else would they know whether to take credit for your accomplishments or blame the other parent for your vices? (YouknowIloveyoumom.) Read the rest of this gem…

Get Into The Groove: How To Paint Wood Paneling.

It’s probably about time I show you what’s been happening with my laundry room.

I’ve been hesitant to do so because after a lot of work, a semi-disastrous flooring mishap, and not an insignificant amount of money, the “after” doesn’t feel much more impressive than the “before.” At least not in a design sense. But Justin and I have a lot of things to bear in mind when it comes to renovating this little gem of a house: Read the rest of this gem…