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Getting All Scarlett O’Hara on This Day’s Ass.

I’m not going to lie.

Yesterday sucked.

Not just because I had to say goodbye to Justin.

I already knew that was going to suck.

But then I also had to say goodbye to my other childhood dog, Lexie. (I lost the first just last year, remember?)

Affectionately known as Lexie-Bear and Booger-Butt, she would nibble my hair by way of greeting.

She was the first of the litter to run to me, all fuzzy fur and fluffiness and everything wonderful about a puppy.  And, as she grew, she made it impossible to argue that dogs don’t have personality.

Sometimes I think she thought she was a cat.

But she was a dog.  One of the best dogs.  And I will miss her dearly.

So.  After spending the evening sitting in a puddle of my own snot and tears, I had a moment.  A moment when I realized, Hey.  Of the three of us, meaning Lexie, Justin and Myself, two of us are in the least desirable situations.

And I’m not one of them.

Which means, my friends, that I had an epiphany.  I could wallow and bemoan my current lonely lot in life, or I could peel my Domestiphobic self off of my unswept laminate floors and make the most of this situation.  Use the alone time to evaluate myself, progress my career, and catch up on missed episodes of The Bachelorette.

Important stuff.

I know from experience that the next several months will be full of ups and downs — moments of clarity and moments of wallows. But if I can remember that this time is also a gift, maybe I’ll learn not to waste it.

Today IS another day.

I have lots to share with you, so stay tuned.  Just have to get my photos together.


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Solitary Diner

So sorry for the loss of your dog, particularly at an already difficult time. Sending you virtual hugs from Canada.


Thank you — I really appreciate that. Canada rocks. :)


Hey Girl! Glad you’re pulling a Scarlett! That girl had chutzpah! I know it’s really hard to pick yourself up and dust yourself off but in the end you’ll come out on top. Hang in there! My crazy ass is going to therapy…. :)


You ok???


Sorry to hear about the pooch (and the hubby) :( But looking forward to reading about whatever you come up with in the meantime! Hugs from Philly


Thanks, Kat! Sometimes it’s hard to get used to this whole “change is a necessary part of life” thing. ;)


Thanks, Kat! Sometimes it’s hard to get used to that whole “change is a necessary part of life” thing. :)

Bex Hall

My condolences on your loss(es) right now. Be strong and keep writing. Hugs from Ohio.


Thanks, Bex. I have the best readers ever. :)


Good for you and great attitude. Me, I’d be a total wreck.


I was definitely a wreck for a little while. And I probably will be again. This whole deployment thing has ups and downs. :)


So sorry about your loss. I bet yesterday did suck. But you are so strong I know you are going to make it through this time just fine. AND – I hope you can find time to visit me at the lake! That will get your mind off of missing Justin :)


I’m going to try!!!


Sorry to hear about the pup. Despite waiving the receipt in front of her multiple times with warnings that the shelter is only 20 minutes away, I couldn’t imagine losing my dog.

Hope to see you tomorrow at the Barth bash.


Thanks, Lee. I’m glad I got to see you there!


Sorry that you are without both your dear loves at the same time!

I think that watching the Bachelor/Bachelorette may just make time seem like it’s moving more slowly. lol. I used to love watching it with my daughters, but we all got sick of it a few seasons ago. (It didn’t help that one of the girls moved to a different time zone, and we could no longer watch it together by phone.) The chooser never seems to choose the best person… but then again, they rarely seem to deserve them anyway!


I think I watched the first season of each, then stopped. Then I started up again about a year ago. I think the appeal is that it serves as a free and prescription-free mind-number. :)

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