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Plumbing Pipe Closet Organizer

(No, the flange is not attached to the attic access panel.)

(Most accurate wall color representation above.)

Plumbing Pipe Closet Organizer Domestiphobia

I made it myself.

(Details soon.)


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You go girl! It looks awesome! When did you get commercials on the side of you page? I’d be okay with it if it wasn’t advertising beer while I’m stuck at work lol!


Ha! I’ve had them for a few months, but sorry — I have little control over what they advertise. I can opt out of alcohol ads, but I figure since I’m kind of an alcohol proponent, that would be hypocritical. ;)


wow very cool good work lots good organizational space now


Yes! The closet feels much, much bigger now.


Can’t believe I missed this long-awaited unveiling! VERY IMPRESSIVE. I love it.


No worries, there will be a BETTER reveal eventually. I still have some things to do… :)


What are the dimensions of the closet, it almost looks the size of mine and 2nd question do you have to share it? I have to share part of mine, and chauffeur is WAAAY taller so it is hard to do the double hanging rods…just want to compare–


My side walls are 6’9.5″ wide, and my back wall is 7’6″ wide. Ceilings are 8′ high. I’m 5’4″, and Justin is 6’1″. I planned it so that he would get the double hanging rods on the right (those are his shirts hanging there for scale in the second-to-last picture on this post). The top rod is only a couple inches from the ceiling, leaving enough room to get the hangar on, but that’s about it. There’s no shelf, so it’s okay for it to be so close. I can’t reach it without a step stool, but he should be fine. He also gets most of the shelving on the left wall, leaving me with the back unit and the dress hanger you see floating off to the left. I haven’t written about that yet, but the height on the dress hanger is completely adjustable. The 2 hanging rods on the back unit fit my shirts and skirts perfectly, and I can reach them both without a stool. I also have use of the dressers in our bedroom, but I really don’t need all that space! So far, I wouldn’t change anything about the design, but I have yet to put everything inside. :)

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