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Private Chef’s Dinner for Two? We Can Now Cross THAT Off The List.

I think we should just take a moment to appreciate something.

House red.

Orzo salad with braised asparagus ti ps and Manchego(?) cheese.

Crab Rangoon in puffed pastry.

Purple potato-encrusted halibut over a bed of swiss chard and pureed parsnips.

Cheesecake with chocolate and pistachios.

Obviously, I appreciated it a little more than you can.

This is what happens when you order a private dinner from Chef Jackie at the Banner Elk Winery and Villa. (It was dark in there for dinner, so please ignore the odd photo lighting.)

We opted for the Chef’s dinner since we knew we wanted the first day of our mini-retreat to be as relaxing as possible. The last thing Justin needed upon his return from Afghanistan was me screaming and grabbing his arm as we negotiated winding mountain roads back to the b&b in the dark after dinner.

I am so glad we splurged. It was very cool watching her cook and enjoying casual conversation while we inhaled course after delicious course.

What better way to spend an evening than with my two best loves — food, and my husband?

Probably in that order.


I think.


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That looks great. Cool idea. When I read the title I thought it was one of those things where the chef came to your house to cook. Have you seen that “reality show” where the chef accosts some woman in the supermarket and convinces her to take him home to cook for her and her husband? I mean, I guess she can assume the camera guys are witnesses in case he tries to murder or rape her, but they could all be in on it and it could go horribly wrong and who are these women who think this is a good idea? But whatever. It does happen to be innocent. But even then, how weird would that be to have some strange guy messing around in your kitchen? I’d go all control freak on him, I think. “Look, chef guy, that is not how you zest a lemon, ok?” And then him there all awkwardly waiting for praise while you eat the food? So bizarre.

(Sorry for tangent. This made me think of that.)


Omg. I would totally do it. Yep, call me gullible, but if I in any way thought it was legit, I’d totally let them in. I love food THAT much. Even enough to let them mess with my kitchen. (As long as I had it in writing that they’d clean the dishes. Ha!)


I do love food, but I am also a micro-manager, kind of. I think I’d just be watching over his shoulder the whole time. “What was that you just put in? Was that a green pepper?” and he’d be all, “Piss off lady; I went to chef school..” And I’d be all, “Yeah, but it’s my kitchen, buddy, and we don’t truck with green peppers here.” And then it would be super awkward.

But whatever, I’d never even get there, because as soon as I see people with videocameras at the supermarket, I go the other way.


Haha – Do you see people with video cameras in the supermarket often? ;)

RHome410 @ Friday is Pizza, Monday is Soup

Justin’s back!!! I miss big things when I neglect your blog for a few days.

The meal looks like it was the perfect choice of things to do, and delicious, too.

I’m so happy for you. Enjoy your renewed time together!!! So thankful he’s back, safe and sound.


Thank you!! Yes, it was phenomenal. They really made sure he had a great homecoming. :)


Darling, these photos are sensational!!!!!!! I teared up, because I miss Jackie and Banner Elk so much. Her food is truly amazing.


Thank you!! It’s easy to take nice photos of pretty food. It was such an incredible experience — thanks again for recommending it!

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