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Getting into the Spirit(s)

I’m back from Miami!  I would’ve tried to write a post while I was there – really I would have – but it turns out yet another one of my electronic devices has decided to fail me.  Yep, my netbook took a clue from Cee Lo and said f*** you to all the abuse I’ve been putting it through.  Or maybe it just didn’t like being dropped onto a cold tile floor.  Who’s to know?

I’ll have more on the Miami trip for you soon.  (There were ‘gaters!)

But right now it seems like I’m scrambling, just like everyone else, to get ready for Christmas.  Except in my case, “getting ready” entails popping vitamin C as often as Courtney Love pops Adderall in order to hopefully prevent that nasty travel sickness people seem to contract on planes, making appetizers for a mouth-watering Christmas Eve FEAST at the home of one of my bestest friends in the world, and of course getting into the Christmas spirit by consuming various Christmas spirits, including (but definitely not limited to) red wine, coffee with Bailey’s, spiked eggnog, etc.



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Dennis Hong

Oooh, speaking of Bailey’s….

I was at a dinner party last weekend, and I realized that I must be a total alcoholic, because, instead of spiking my coffee with Bailey’s, as normal people do, I spiked my Bailey’s with Jack.

And it was delicious.


This almost made me spit out my O.J. On my phone. Are you trying to ensure the total demise of all of my electronics, Dennis? ;)

Dennis Hong

Well, if your OJ had enough vodka in it, then at least your electronics will be nice and sterilized….

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