Tired Of Feeling Like A Sad Little Mole? Trust Me. It’s Better Than Becoming The Guy Holding The Mallet.
Have you ever had one of those weeks where you feel like a Whack-a-Mole?
You know, a week when every morning you pop up from your hole, all excited to greet the world, and then WHACK! The world is like, “Eff you, Mole. Get back in your hole.” And then the world hits you on the head with a rubber mallet.

Of course you’ve had those weeks.
Because I’m guessing we’re all old enough to have reached that cynical turning point in our lives — that point that culminates from a childhood full of people telling us that “the world isn’t perfect,” and then we get older and realize, maybe just subconsciously, that wow. The world totally IS perfect.
It’s us that’s the problem.
I ran out of coffee on Monday morning. I still have no coffee today. We live in this beautiful place that grows these plants that sprout these coffee cherries that house these seeds that we call “beans,” and then we pick them and dry them or soak them and hull them and sort them and roast them and grind them and brew them and drink them, at which point we develop a horrible ailment called, CAFFEINE ADDICTION. It’s a problem that, when left untreated, can cause us to do crazy things like brew old boxes of chai flavored green tea that we had shoved in our cabinets because we’re still waiting for the buy-one-get-one-free packages of Gevalia to arrive because they threw in free shipping, and also we’re cheap.
My lazy coffee purchasing habits aren’t my only problem.
Communication has been a big issue for me this week. Of course on the tails of writing an entire post on the subject of effective communication and how awesome I am at it, I somehow managed to screw up a photo shoot for a magazine by misinterpreting text messages and the slight problem of missing my new editor’s emails because they were filtered to my spam folder.
“Did u ask the chef what inspired the recipe?” she texted after my shoot. WHACK!
“Make sure you get a photo of the chef holding the dish,” instructed her spaminated email. WHACK!
“Can’t you do anything right?” she didn’t actually ask. But it felt like she should have. And I wouldn’t blame her. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK!
I had a headache for an entire day.
I also got in a fight with my mother and somehow inadvertently managed to trigger a family crisis on Justin’s side that I believe is better now, but my head still reels from the confusion of why or how it all happened to begin with.
Justin had to be out-of-town this week for our anniversary.
I got bit by a fly and forty-seven mosquitos and one of my dogs ate my breakfast cookie and it won’t stop raining and
Now we’re just into the normal stuff. But you can understand, maybe now, how I’ve felt like a whack-a-mole. I started things off with the best of intentions, but every time I popped up from my hole, I received a knee-crumbling smack on the head. And it felt like I was getting smacked for things that weren’t really my fault, but still were, somehow, and I ended up feeling terrible for inadvertently making the lives of everyone I touched a little crappier this week.
Because that’s not really my life’s goal, you know? Especially as a writer.
We can cross that one off of the list.
What’s next? Strangling puppies?

And that’s the problem with this perfect world filled with imperfect people — this world where some people are willing to admit their faults and others are not. Where miscommunication happens and people get hurt. Where you think the Gevalia advertisement that showed up in your mailbox was kismet, but really it was just a ploy to make you wait for over a week while they apparently harvest and dry and hull and sort and roast your precious beans so you can finally drink your devil’s brew.
Sometimes our best of intentions fall all askew. We miss things. We over-think them. We under-think them. We talk too much, or we don’t talk enough. Sometimes we climb and climb and climb and then we start to get cocky, and WHACK. That’s when the world kindly reminds us that we do not, in fact, know everything.
I’ll be the first (okay, maybe more like the second) person to admit when I screw up. It’s never easy. It’s never fun. Popping out of that hole day after day, whack after whack, is damn scary. But I think, in the end, even though it leaves me vulnerable to judgement and exposed to ridicule and experiencing that about-to-throw-up feeling that happens while I wait for someone to tell me it will be okay and then that I’m-really-about-to-throw-up feeling when sometimes that moment never ever comes, it’s still the right thing to do.
Because you see, when you expose all of your parts to the rest of the imperfect people in this world — not just the pretty parts, but the mosquito bites and the chin hair and all of your completely and utterly whackable moles — you are, in effect, admitting solidarity.
Even when no one admits it with you.
You’re saying, Hey. I’m one of us. No better, no worse, maybe sometimes a little hairier, maybe sometimes a little molier, but there you go. And that’s okay. Because I’m still learning, just like you.
And when you find that you’re the one holding that all-powerful mallet, just remember:
Go easy.
Most of us have headaches already.
Sorry you’ve been having a bad week. Don’t be too hard on yourself though. I’m sure no one thinks it’s deliberate. Is there a reason you can’t go to the store and get more coffee?
I have been to the store, but I refuse to buy more coffee when I have some on the way and alternative means of serving my caffeine addiction. In other words, I’m indescribably stubborn. And there’s another mole. ;)
It does freeze though, you know. And then when you run out you’ll have spare for next time the mail is slow.
Lol I think you’re missing the point. Or maybe I did a horrific job of writing it. :)
Not missing the point, but if the little problems have easy solutions, it makes the bigger problems more manageable.
Are we the same person living in different bodies? Sorry if that sounds wierd. BUT I did just about the same thing with coffee. I ordered some amazing coffee from a company offline. The smallest quantity they had was a 5lb bag of whole beans. I dont own a coffee grinder but i have no problem taking my beans to the grocery store, grinding and leaving. The only problem was for a good week I kept forgetting to take my beans with me even though i went to the grocery store muliple times. I wanted to kick myself repeatedly. But I refused to buy more while at the store because I had FIVE POUNDS OF COFFEE at home.
I’m starting to think I should’ve written the entire post about the coffee! :)
haha coffee is just such a relatable topic. but i have had weeks like you’ve described. I dont know if you watch downton abbey but the week after the season 3 finale felt a lot like the one you described. i was really sad/mad about DA and then i kept getting kicked by other life events like ruining two iphones in one month, not getting promoted at work when I was lead to believe I was going to be and having my purse run over by a car. http://ohshellsbells.blogspot.com/2013/04/oh-hells-bells.html (post about the purse horror story)
Things will get better!!
Oh, nooo!!! Lol I read your purse story. That totally sounds like something I would do! I did watch the first two seasons of Downton Abbey, but I haven’t gotten my hands on season 3 yet. The worst part of all of that is your work situation. That’s SO disappointing when they lead you to believe one thing and then let you down. I’m so bummed for you. :( I hope things are better for you now, though!
I have a variety of coffee at home. :/ However, there is only ONE I want every morning. *sigh* As cheap as I am most of the time, if I require caffeine THAT is the coffee I require! LoL! I really should throw all other coffees away… I loved this post! It reminds me of my best friend’s and my parents’ week last week (EPIC drama and fleet of errors). …Hmm, I should probably write about their visit in my own blog! I’ve been so busy getting through the curve at work, I didn’t think about it. Now, here I am having a written thoughts in your comments. Love ya!
Lisa, I didn’t know you had a blog! I will have to check it out. :) I like how you put that – a “fleet of errors.” That’s definitely what happened in my case. I can only hope everyone else saw it that way, too. Don’t worry – I love stream-of-conscious writing, especially when something I wrote inspired it. Write on! ;)
“this world where some people are willing to admit their faults and others are not.” So much easier to just admit them, and laugh about it/get over it/forgive. Those that don’t (won’t) are no fun – usually b/c they’re too uptight to do so.
Sorry about your sucky week.
It is the easier thing to do, when it all comes down to it. But many people are too scared to try it once so they never learn that. :)
Thanks, Melissa – it will get better. It always does!
OMG I almost peed my pants when I saw that 1st picture, you are just too cute! Ugh, I feel you on a frustrating week where nothing seemed to go right!!! Big hugs!
Unfortunately your rough week trumps mine, and that’s not an award anyone wants to win. :( Here’s to things looking up in the coming weeks!!
Life’s a massive game of Whack-a-Mole? Makes sense. I’m nursing a few bruises myself right now. These weeks happen though, just means the next has got to be better!
You’re so right! Bruises are healing this week – I hope they are for you, too. :)