Smoked Salmon Dill Linguine. Embrace The Fat.
Maybe you don’t love to cook. I get it. You’ve got a lot going on, work has been super stressful, and the kids are running around with water balloons and makeshift machetes and expelling the last of their summertime energy along with every last one of your fragile, frayed nerves.
Or maybe you don’t have the kid thing happening, but it’s the end of a long day, your feet hurt, your brain hurts, and you feel like you actually have to sit down to put on your sweatpants and hesitate before standing to pull them the rest of the way up because that requires even more energy, and you’re pretty sure you need to reserve what’s left for uncorking that bottle of Malbec you brought home.
Do you like to eat?
And I’m not talking about hurriedly stuffing shovelfuls of dry cereal into your mouth at the end of a long day — I’m talking about the good stuff. Like when you spring for a thoughtful meal at a nice restaurant or when you head home to visit family and take that first bite of Mom’s special stroganoff she used to make when you were a kid. It’s that feeling you get when someone cares about what’s going into your belly. When someone took the time to prepare something real and unprocessed — when their goal was to fill you with sustenance and good feelings.
And I guess my question for you is, Why don’t you do that for yourself?
Maybe you struggle with weight. Maybe you don’t. But maybe, very likely, you frequently feel guilty about the things you put inside your mouth.
The food things.
And the problem is, if you listen to everyone — the people who say you shouldn’t consume fat, the ones who say it’s not fat — it’s the carbs, the experts who say you should only have meat, and the articles that tell you that all meat is bad, the labels that swear their ingredients are “natural,” and the loopholes that let them get away with un-truths — there’s a very good possibility that you’re going to grab the easiest convenience food you can find and stuff it down your throat because your head might explode if you’re forced to listen to one more rule about what you can or cannot eat, and then you spend the rest of the night cursing your own lack of restraint.
And that’s not healthy for anybody.
So my food philosophy? Eat what’s real, eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re not, and most important, stop stressing about it so damn much.
Also, treat yourself with respect. Take a little time. Because really — there is nothing more important to do tonight than fueling yourself with something good.
And tonight? I have just the thing. It’s only 6 ingredients and takes 15 minutes to make — 20 minutes, tops. AND I AM THE SLOWEST COOK IN THE HISTORY OF EVER.

Smoked Salmon Dill Pasta
Now listen. If you don’t like smoked salmon, that’s okay — substitute sautéed mushrooms! Want more veggies? Toss in a handful of spinach or arugula. Need a bit more bite? Throw in a tablespoon of capers or a dash of your favorite hot sauce. This is a pretty forgiving recipe, so feel free to play around with the flavors you like.
I based this off of this amazing salmon dill pasta I had at Sherefe in Fayetteville, North Carolina. I was there to take photos for CityView magazine and when I was finished, they were kind enough to let me inhale the dish:

This is exactly why everyone — including me — needs a set of these.
Also, I may have accidentally-on-purpose drooled on the pasta after I was done photographing it so they’d let me eat it.
In this world, sometimes you have to make your own job perks.
I also used this recipe for basic measurements and ingredients.
To make it like I did, you will need:
- 1/2 lb. dried linguine (or spaghetti or any kind of long, squiggly pasta)
- 1 Tbsp. olive oil
- 1 small red onion (cut in half from root to tip then thinly sliced)
- 2-3 cloves garlic, minced
- 4 oz. mascarpone* cheese (this is a creamy cheese usually found in the “fancy cheese” section of the grocery store — you could probably substitute cream cheese if necessary)
- 1 cup. half-and-half
- 200-300-ish g. smoked salmon, roughly sliced (I used a couple of packages — you could probably get away with just one, depending on how much you like smoked salmon)
- 2 Tbsp. fresh dill, chopped (first add 1 Tbsp, taste, then add more if want more dill flavor)
- salt & pepper to taste
- Optional: sautéed mushrooms, capers, arugula
*I just realized that I have been pronouncing and spelling “mascarpone” as “marscapone” for years. My whole life is a lie.

My new kitchen doesn’t get a lot of natural light, hence the fuzzies. And please ignore my raw drywall.
Let’s get a closer look at the produce, yes?

I have to ask — is there a prettier herb than dill? Like vibrant green feathers.
And take a look at these onions. It’s really important that you slice them thinly. I prefer using one of these to do the job, but you can also do it by hand.

Here’s how to make it:
1) Boil a large pot of salted water, add your pasta, and cook according to package directions.

2) While the water’s heating up, mince the garlic, chop the dill and salmon, and slice the onions so everything’s ready-to-go. When the pasta only has 5 or 6 minutes left to cook, heat 1 Tbsp. of olive oil in a deep-sided skillet over medium-high heat.

3) Toss in the sliced onions, stir, and let them cook for around 3 minutes or until soft and translucent.

4) Sprinkle in the garlic (you can do this before the onions if you don’t love a strong garlic flavor), and let sizzle for around 30 more seconds.

5) Pour in the cup of half-and-half, as well as the 4 oz. mascarpone cheese (or a dollop more if you’re feeling frisky).

I used about half of the container.

Stir until the cheese melts, then turn the heat to low.
6) Drain the cooked pasta and throw it into the cream sauce.

Toss to combine, then add the salmon…

And also the dill…

And any other ingredients you might want, and then season with salt and pepper. Taste. Die. Come back to life and stir until heated through. The sauce will thicken a bit as it heats. If it’s too thick, add some more cream or milk — if it’s too thin, add some more mascarpone.
Do what feels good — the world is your rich, fatty pasta.
It will totally make your hair shine.

It’s creamy, comforting, and delicious. Perfect for summer or winter, and it seriously takes almost no time to make.
Bottom line? When you feed yourself crap, you will feel like crap. It’s as simple as that.
Tonight I want you to feed yourself something delicious.

This is a really good place to start.
i have been hard core craving some smoked salmon AND i have some leftover heavy cream in my fridge from anotehr recipe, that i’m sure would sub just fine for the half and half. serendipity!
I love it when things work out like that! :) (I think I’ve used heavy cream before — just a little less mascarpone and you should be fine!)
My neighbor fishes Lake Michigan and just gave me a whole HALF of a salmon he smoked himself. Its the most delicious stuff on the planet. Im definitely going to put some of it in this recipe.
That. Sounds. AMAZING. I bet the fresh-caught salmon will take it to a whole new level!
Pasta and salmon are two of my favorite things. Throw some wine in there and chocolate something for dessert, and I’m looking at a perfect evening. I’m definitely going to give this recipe a try!
This would probably be really good with some white wine IN the sauce, too!
Oh my god, I just seriously salivated.
Here’s to feeling delicious!!!
It’s SO good. And very easy to make! :)
Sooo, I have been reading your blog forever, I think even pre-hot sauce Costa Rica adventure. Anyway, I read maybe two other blogs, but only this one basically religiously- the reason being that it is that good. I’ve never commented on your blog, oops- I’m kind of a late adopter (and maybe that’s a tad creepy?!) of just about anything, but better late then never. So here it goes! I tried this recipe tonight and it was pretty fantastic! I added shiitake mushrooms, leeks, and capers to it. Thanks for the recipe and thanks for continuing to publish such great blog pieces!
I am SO happy you decided to comment. Your comment just completely made my day! This blog is like my baby — I put all of this effort into it and sometimes ask myself, why am I doing this? (Wait. Maybe that mentality is why I don’t have kids. ;) ) And then this comment. This is why I do it. Thank you so much! I’m glad you liked the recipe (now I’m dying to try it with shiitake mushrooms), and I’m so glad you read my blog. :)
So I’ve been eyeballing this recipe for the past few days thinking how absolutely delicious it sounds. I just moved to a bigger city that had a Trader Joes (yay!) and thought tonight would be a good night to give it a try. I should preface this by saying that I’m staying with a good friend that was already living here, and she’s out of town for business. Needless to say, I was lost in her kitchen! So I started boiling the linguine while moving some boxes in the house, completely forgetting to chop the veggies up in the meantime. Also, made the ENTIRE BAG of linguine rather than about 2/3 like the recipe called for. Mistakes 1&2, but forgivable. So I drained the linguine while chopping veggies and heating up the oil in a pan. Mistake #3, because she has an electric stove and I’m used to gas! So got the oil fry-a-live-pig hot. Had to take it off and let oil and burner cool. Continue chopping garlic, onions, salmon, dill. Once the stove and oil are at the right temp, added the veggies and all seemed right in the world! So I got through the rest of the recipe with some modifications. I added mushrooms, used 1 1/3c half and half and the whole container of marscapone, because you know, ENTIRE bag of linguine. Get the pasta back into the bowl, kinda. Mistake #4. My pot runneth over. Get a giant bowl and dump everything in and put it over low heat. Added salmon and dill. At this point, the sauce was about the consistency of milk, so I crossed my fingers and hoped it would actually thicken up more because I’m not leaving to get more marscapone, Katie! After some stirs, I decided it was time to taste test. Quickly realized I forgot salt and pepper. Mistake #5. Added some. Taste. Added more. Taste. Added more. Taste. Repeat about 6 more times. Decide to wash pan and cook another onion, 3 more garlic cloves, the rest of the mushrooms, and the rest of the dill. I didn’t burn the oil this time! Success #1. Added all veggies to the pot and stirred, and it was finally thick enough to fool me into thinking I had actually managed an alfredo consistency. Put some in a bowl and am eating it now, and I have to say, delicious recipe even though I butchered it! And if anyone else wants to try this and doesn’t have the time or desire to cook it themselves, come on over, I have enough for about 20 people!! Haha thanks for making my Thursday evening a delicious one!
This ENTIRE comment cracked. Me. Up. I’m SO sorry to laugh at your misfortune because seriously — and this is coming from a not-good-cook — this is really a simple recipe!! I think you over-thought it, and working in someone else’s kitchen definitely didn’t help. ;) It’s definitely no surprise you had to add more onion and garlic with all of that pasta. Ha! I really only use half of a 16 oz. package. This sauce definitely won’t get as thick as alfredo, unless maybe you add some kind of shredded cheese like parmesan. Anyway, I’m glad after all of that hassle it still worked out! I was dying laughing when I read this because you seriously have no idea how much this scenario could be me. The key to this one is to prep your veggies while you’re waiting for the pasta water to boil. Then, when you put in your pasta to cook, you’re ready to start cooking your onions as well. I’m glad you liked it, and I hope it goes much more smoothly for you next time!! :)
It’s ok, I was laughing at myself all the while! I usually know my way around the kitchen, and this is (or should have been) a really simple recipe! Sometimes when I take on something simple like this, I just leave my brain on the couch watching TV while I try to remember how to cook! I just had to make it hard on myself. The upside is that I have leftovers for the next 5 days! I’m not complaining! This was also my first time cooking with fresh dill and smoked salmon, so popped my cherry on those two as well! It was a two birds-one stone kind of day.
HAhaha! That’s always a plus. And this pasta is actually really good leftover, as I’m sure you’ve figured out. The sauce thickens up and I’ll eat it cold right out of the fridge. But then I’m weird like that. Glad I could pop your dill and smoked salmon cherry! It’s one of those combos that sounds strange, but once you try it, you can’t imagine doing it any other way.
[…] the cold weather clings and I’m craving warm comfort foods, I automatically migrate towards hot, creamy pasta or chunky white […]
[…] And a few meager morsels of smoked salmon left over from this decadent dish. […]